One thing we learned these past 8 months traveling across North America and visiting over 30 "Permaculture" farms is that there is a wide diversity of opinions and practices under the umbrella of "permaculture".
So what does it even mean?
Here are a few videos that help explain the basics:
What is Permaculture?
Dive deeper into the Principles of Permaculture:
Other words we have heard used in relation to "permaculture" on our travels:
- Regenerative
- Sustainable
- Indigenous knowledge : Many would argue that indigenous cultures were growing food and living in this way and "permaculture" is a white man's coined phrase for something that has been known and going on for ages.
- bio-diversity : Lots of different plants growing all together, as opposed to "mono-culture" or one crop per plot
- "The way your great-grandfather did it"
- Biodynamic
- food forest
- low impact agriculture
- closed loop system