What does Permaculture really mean anyway?
One thing we learned these past 8 months traveling across North America and visiting over 30 "Permaculture" farms is that there is a wide...
Scripture Motivation Behind our Vision
I want to be a farmer...why? God said, be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it. Genesis 1:28 God is good. Psalm 34:8...
Mud and Sparkle, Fire and Tomatoes
I started this blog post when smoke filled the air, ash was falling from the sky, the sun during the day and the moon at night were...
A few lessons learned...
1. Stay flexible: plans are always subject to change, so try to give people a bit of notice that you are coming into town, but sometimes...
Im praying again Awesome One. (Ich bete Wieder, du Erlauchter)
I am praying again, Awesome One. You hear me again, as words from the depths of me rush toward you in the wind. I've been scattered in...
Some thoughts on faith and growing
It takes faith to plant a seed - faith that it will burst out of its little shell and grow into something, perhaps small like clover,...
And we're off!
So, last weekend we finished packing out of our apartment and got down to my parent's house late friday night (after mom made two trips...
Our Adventure begins
We are nearing our last month in Boston... heading out soon to an adventure of exploring sustainable communities, permaculture farms,...